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Μάθημα : Διακυβέρνηση, Τεχνοεπιστήμη, Δημοκρατία: Προσεγγίσεις απο το πεδίο Επιστήμη, Τεχνολογία, Κοινωνία (STS)

Κωδικός : PHS290

Διακυβέρνηση, Τεχνοεπιστήμη, Δημοκρατία: Προσεγγίσεις απο το πεδίο Επιστήμη, Τεχνολογία, Κοινωνία (STS)

PHS290  -  Ευστάθιος Αραποστάθης και Kωνσταντίνος Βαττές


Διάλεξη Sabine Clarke

In the frame of "Sustainability, Techno-sciences, Transitions: From history to contemporary environmental and social challenges" series, we are joined by Dr. Sabine Clarke, Senior Lecturer, Department of History, York University, UK.

The title of this webinar is "Difficult Chemicals: Understanding the slow uptake of insecticides in British Farming after 1945"


Sabine Clarke is Senior Lecturer in Modern History. She works on the history of science, technology and medicine in Britain and its colonial empire between WWI and 1965, with a particular focus on the Caribbean and East Africa. Her monograph, Science at the End of Empire: Experts and the Development of the British Caribbean, 1940-1965 was published by Manchester University Press in 2018.

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