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Κωδικός : ENL212


ENL212  -  Βασιλική Μαρκίδου


Request for filling in the course's assessment form

Dear students, 

I would like to ask you to take a few minutes to fill in the course's assessment form. To do so, please enter, where the particular asssessment form is uploaded in the slot of the School of Philosophy, Department of English Literature and Culture (the first to appear in this list). For your convenience, the specific link is:

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that doing so is crucial both to your instructor so as to see what your view of the course is, something that I assure you I take into very serious consideration, and for the following accreditation of our BA program when the next time for doing so comes around. Needless to say, ensuring that the necessary records for this process are there is imperative for its on-going accreditation, which is of course related to the worth of your studies and upcoming certificate. 

ATTENTION: please do so promptly as the system will turn off in a day's time. 

Many thanks in advance for your collaboration, 

Vassiliki Markidou