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Μάθημα : Δημιουργία Νέας Επιχείρησης (New venture creation) E-X 2024-2025

Κωδικός : BA118

Δημιουργία Νέας Επιχείρησης (New venture creation) E-X 2024-2025

BA118  -  Αντώνης Λιβιεράτος


Instructions for next assignment (Experiment with MVP - Solution Validation Report)

Following our last class, your next assignment is to validate your solution with an experiment using your MVP. You have to complete the experiment and write a report on the experiment by the 22nd of December (upload the report on e-class).

In your report you have to describe the experiment in detail and provide evidence. In particular you have to describe

  1. to whom you communicated your MVP,
  2. how you have communicated your MVP (all the actions)
  3. the feedback that you got
  4. the lessons learned

In your report you need to provide evidence of your experiment


  • If you communicated your MVP via a social media provide screen shots and the urls
  • If you distributed leaflets, provide a picture of google maps where you conducted the distribution, pictures of cats with your leaflets and the team during the process
  • If you conducted interviews, provide who conducted the interview, name, age and profession of the interviewee

Provide date for each step. Example: Distributed 200 leaflets with QR codes leading to our website and the data deriving from google analytics were X.