
History of the Greek Polis
(BAAG156) - Νικόλαος Γιαννακόπουλος
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
This course examines the historical development of the Greek polis in the Archaic and the Classical Periods. Emphasis is given to the following issues:
- the political organization of the Greek polis
- the rule of law
-the spread of the Greek polis through the process of colonization
- the political development of Athens and Sparta
- the interstate relations in the Classical Period
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Σάββατο 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2024
Course Syllabus
The course examines the following issues:
1. the origins of the Greek polis (meanings of the term polis; early literary and epigraphic evidence; archaeological evidence)
2. The Greek polis in the Archaic Period (aristocracy; hoplite phalanx; colonization; written laws; tyrants)
3. The political and social organization of Sparta in the Archaic Period
4. The political and social organization of Athens in the Archaic Period
5. The Persian Wars
6. Political developments and interstate Relations in the Fifty Years (Pentekontaetia); Social Stratification in the Classical Polis; Federal institutions
7. The Peloponnesian War
8. Political developments and Interstate Relations in the Fourth Century BC; Spartan Hegemony, Theban Hegemony and the rise of Macedonia