
Developing multimodal literacy through digital texts in the EFL classroom (E-Workshop)
(ENG105) - Ευφροσύνη Φράγκου, Στυλιανή Καρατζά
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
General Overview
In our increasingly visual and digitalized world, we need to make meaning from various visual resources to understand and interpret digital texts to the full. How can a teacher prepare her/his students to critically view the variety of multimodal texts they encounter and effectively produce digital texts?
This innovative workshop introduces multimodality and presents the significance of multimodal literacy; making meaning through various meaning-making resources (image, colour, typography, layout, language). It focuses on the value of meaning-making through the image in combination with language for a better understanding of multimodal texts such as webpages, advertisements, instagram posts, digital posters, digital stories, promotional videos, films.
It seeks to equip teacher trainees with frameworks and materials to develop their learners' 21st century skills by addressing global sustainability goals, such as environmental issues and timely social issues. Following multimodal pedagogies, which perceive language as one out of many meaning-making resources, it equips teacher trainees with the rationale and the relevant metalanguage to design activities which aim at developing their students' responsible digital and critical literacy skills in both viewing and composing multimodal texts.
To acquaint teacher trainees with making meaning through various resources (image, layout, colour, language, typography) and train them to incorporate activities that develop multimodal literacy in the EFL classroom with an emphasis on the development of visual literacy in digitally enhanced learning environments.
- To introduce teacher trainees with basic tenets and the significance of multimodality and multimodal literacy
- To familiarize teacher trainees with critical viewing and interpretation of digital texts which include more than one meaning-making resources (e.g., webpages, advertisements, instagram posts, digital posters, digital stories, promotional videos, films)
- To practice creating activities which aim at developing Primary and Secondary school students’ multimodal literacy (critical viewing and multimodal composition of digital texts)
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Τετάρτη 7 Οκτωβρίου 2020
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