
Victorian Poetry
(ΛΕ78) - Nic Panagopoulos
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
Victorian poetry is influenced by both Romanticism and Neo-Classicism, while also paving the way for Aestheticism and Modernism. Despite being more conservative than the nineteenth century English novel due to its conventional form and ocassionally didactic tone, Victorian poetry displays interesting innovations, such as the painterly evocation of scene and realistic representation of emotion. The leading poets of the day such as Alfred Lord Tennyson, Elizabeth and Robert Browning, Matthew Arnold, Dante Gabriel and Christina Rossetti, and Rudyard Kipling are concerned with the same topical issues as the Victorian novelists, such as the rapid pace of social change and the Empire, class and gender relations, and the challenge of scientific progress to religion and morality. However, there is also a tendency for these poets to sometimes take refuge in an idyllic nature or a mythical past that appears less unsettled and conflicted than Industrialized England. The course takes the form of weekly planned lectures that allow for dialogue to develop in class. Besides the set texts themselves, the study materials include photocopied handouts and a list of printed and electronic sources. Assessment is based on the final examination and an optional course paper.
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Παρασκευή 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2012
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