
Lexical Pragmatics
(ENL378) - Πατρίτσια Κολαΐτη
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
This course will introduce students to advanced issues in the relatively new-coined field of Lexical Pragmatics by looking at highly up-to-date research on the mapping between the public and the mental lexicon. After critically assessing a series of theoretical models that have been proposed about how words mean what they mean, the course will focus on two competing theories about how the one-to-many relationship between words and meanings is bridged: default theories of word meaning vs flexible inferential ones. The course will be taught in an interactive mode, actively engaging students in the critical evaluation and analysis of pertinent empirical data through tailor-made hands-on activities and guided group work. As part of guided group work, students will also be encouraged to analyze and interpret given pieces of Corpus data and use them in order to confirm or disconfirm key theoretical hypotheses in Lexical Pragmatics.
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Τρίτη 1 Μαρτίου 2016
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