
Creative Writing Workshop
(ENL624) - Aliki Barnstone
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
This is an open-genre workshop that focuses on generating writing rather than critiquing it and
on reading, viewing, and listening to poetry and flashes (short-form prose). By the time you
finish this course, I hope you will have a little chapbook of your writing and a notebook full of
material that you may turn into something later on. My formula, Play + Practice = Work is
based on my own process and experience, as well as established theory and research about
how we write. Because writing is a form of thought experimentation in which we make
unexpected discoveries, we’ll engage in artistic practice that returns us to our free child within,
who plays to learn and explore.
I am a Fulbright scholar and a Greek-American and like so many of us in the Hellenic diaspora, I
am driven by history. For my Fulbright project, I am writing a hybrid book on living under the
Junta. I am interested in discussing with you the intersections of U.S. history and current events
and that tyrannical and silencing period in Greece. This is not a course in history yet our
individual narratives are interconnected with our own historical moment, and the stories our
elders tell us from childhood, passing down both our collective and generational trauma and
the joys of our culture. Every time you practice writing, you’re undoing erasure and making the
unseen seen.
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Πέμπτη 16 Μαρτίου 2023
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