(PHS353) - Stathis Arapostathis
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος
The aims of the course are: 1. to study the relations of law with science and technology and to establish this study as a distinct strand and thematic in Science and Technology Studies. 2. to unravel the challenges the emerging technologies and innovations create for the law and the legal system(s) in modern societies. The course would provide a context to study the way that states, transnational organizations, transnational institutions, corporations and NGOs are trying to respond to the challenges emposed by the emerging technologies and scientific innovations. The relation between law and scientific research and innovation is studied as a dynamic one and as a co-production of the social, cultural, political, scientific factors with the legal dimensions. Law is approached as a system where different actors with different strategies and technics are contributing in its making while in the same time it is shown the way that law regulates research and social activities at large. Initially the focus will be on the laws of knowledge management and intellectual property and how different industrial sectors and actors manage differently knowledge and innovations. Invention is approached as a construct and as a multidimensional activity that involve both the lab or the industrial site but also the patent attorney's office, the patent office, the law courts etc. Subsequently we shall focus on the regulation and emergence of regulatory science in relation to scientific research and technological innovations in fields like: genetic engineering, nanotechnology, biomedicine, food science and ICT. Emphasis will be given in understanding the cultural, political and social dimensions and varieties of regulatory cultures, practices and models in different capitalist states and societies. The issue of governance of risk, of uncertainties and of known unknowns will be linked to the quest for the accountability and transparency of research and the democratic management of innovation.
Research questions that will be addressed and analysed: How new inventions and emerging innovations create challenges and uncertainties in the legal systems? How emerging innovations in biomedicine, nanotechnology, ICT create the need for new legal and regulatory changes? How regulatory institutions shape knowledge and decisions in relation to uncertain and risky inventions and innovations? How social and material factors shape the decision making processes and define the regulatory science in different industrial sectors and different research fields? Who is the "author" of the law and what is the role of law courts, lawyers, attorneys, expert witnesses, social movements in making the law and in approaching "law as technology".
Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας
Σάββατο 20 Οκτωβρίου 2018
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