Max Silberztein, Université de Franche-Comté 1. He is coming. In sentence #1, all simple word forms have been tagged as Lexical units XML tags. Note the special codes "LEMMA" and "CAT". Other lexical properties can be either set as pairs name=value, e.g. TENSE=PR, or as features, e.g. PR. Remember that the file _properties.def can be used to link the two notations. NooJ will transform these tags as NooJ annotations when performing the TEXT>Linguistic Analysis. WARNING: Make sure, either to unselect all NooJ's default lexical resources (Info > Lexical Analysis" if you only want to keep the XML-imported annotations, otherwise Nooj will add other annotations. 2. He attended the round table. In sentence #2, note that the LEMMA can be implicit if it is identical to the word form, and that NooJ can import LUs that correspond to compound words.