Liens vers des sites Internet sur la psychoacoustique
- (***) Handbook for acoustic
ecology (sonic-studio)
- (***)
HyperPhysics Concepts: Sound and Hearing
- (**) Ernst Terhardt's home
- Basic
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics
- Hearing - Course in perception (Sussex)
- Loudness and pitch tutorial (questions/réponses)
- Musique et Technologie (cours et tests - UQuébec)
- Physics and Psychophysics of Music
- Introduction à la Psychoacoustique (Ircam)
- Fundamentals of Hearing:
Hearing Tutorial
- / Découverte / Le cerveau musical
Le système auditif
- (***)
Promenade autour de la cochlée
- (**) Animations of
Processes within the Ear
- (**)
The Soundry
- Anatomie et physiologie de
l'audition: l'écoute est une action
- J'entends - l'ouïe
La perception de l'intensité sonore
- Perception des niveaux sonores: courbes isosoniques,
effet Loudness (Ircam)
- Perception des niveaux sonores: phénomène de masquage
- Doc
son : le son, l'oreille (courbes d'égales sensations sonores, variations en
fonction de l'âge)
- (**)
Critical Band and Critical Bandwidth (sonic-studio)
- Human
Audio Perception: Masking (models for perceptual coding)
- Psychoacoustics: Critical Bands etc. (role in
perception of pitch)
- Hearing : masking (Sussex)
- Don
Greenwood's talk (Mel scale and critical bands)
- (*)
Architectural acoustics course
La compression audio (codage perceptuel)
- (***)
MPEG Summary
- Qu'est-ce que le MP3?
- Codage
Mp3 (Quelques explications pour les néophytes)
- L'audio numérique compressé
- Perceptual Coding-Based
Noise Reduction System (simple model for masking)
- Audio
Compression (masking curves, Barks )
- Masking and Perceptual
- Low-Bit-Rate Audio Coding: A Comparison
Les effets du bruit
- Affections liées au bruit
- The
Effects of Noise
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Online Library: Community Noise
- (**)
Audio engineers: Enemies of Our Ears
La perception des hauteurs (tonie)
- Auditory scales of frequency representation
- Perception des hauteurs 1/2 (Ircam)
- (**) Pitch
- Mel (sonic-studio)
- (*)
Pitch perception (pure tones, complex tones)
- Pitch
Perception: one mechanism or two ?
- Pitch
perception (Terhardt)
- Definition of pitch (Terhardt)
- Pitch Schemata (Musical
pitch in cognition)
- Pitch Perception (FAQ)
- Mel-Frequency Cepstral Analysis
Illusions auditives
- (***)
Shepard's Tones (with Applet -> animation)
- Circularity in Pitch
Judgement : Shepard's scale (demo)
- Musical Pitch, Scales, Harmony and The Circle of
Fifths (helix-keyboard)
- Melodies using a Circular
Chromatic Dimension
- Tritone Paradox and Spectral-Motion AfterEffects
- The
Principles of Artistic Illusions
- The World of Escher -
Artwork Gallery
La perception des intervalles
- Construction de la gamme musicale : Justification
physiologique de la consonance
- (***)
La musique, le nombre, líordinateur (Gérard Assayag, Ircam)
- (***)
Temperament and Musical Scales (HyperPhysics Concepts)
- (**) An Atlas of
- Consonance (sonic-studio)
- Musical consonance (Terhardt)
- Consonance and Dissonance - Index to Notes (Ohio)
- Consonance and Dissonance - Tonotopic Theory
- Theories of Consonance and Dissonance
- The
Critical Band Theory of Plomp
- Consonance of Non-Harmonic Complex Tones: Testing the
Limits of the Theory of Beats
- Cours
- Why
are parallel octaves and fifths traditionally considered 'bad' writing?
- Pythagorean Tuning and Medieval Polyphony
Le timbre
- (***) SHARC Timbre Database
- Definitions of the word "Timbre"
- Perception du timbre (Ircam)
- Perception of timbral analogies (S. McAdams,
- Timbre
- Relating Tuning and Timbre
- Le
timbre de la voix et l'analyse de scènes auditives
- JNMR: Foundations of Pitch
and Timbre Perceptions
La localisation des sons dans l'espace
(**) Physics Today: How We
Localize Sound
A 3D
Sound Primer
L'analyse des scènes auditives
Introduction to Auditory Scene Analysis
Auditory Object Recognition & Music
Machine Listening - Real-time Analysis (MIT)
Recognition of Auditory Sound Sources and Events
(Stephen McAdams, Ircam)
- On-Line Audio and Music Resources
Perceptual Approach to Acousmatic Music
Coin Lab : le son
(création, traitement et filtrage des sons)
Unit converter : weight, mass, temperature, length, pressure,
Liens vers des sites Internet sur l'acoustique des
- (***) L'acoustique musicale,
le son
- Acoustique : vibrations, intensité, harmoniques,
- Frequently Asked Questions in
- LAB:
Time Varying Signals
Acoustics Laboratory
Sound&Waves products (matériel pédagogique pour
- Pink