Μάθημα : Το Σώμα στη Σύγχρονη Αμερικανική Λογοτεχνία
Κωδικός : ENL366
Το Σώμα στη Σύγχρονη Αμερικανική Λογοτεχνία
ENL2 - Χριστίνα Ντόκου
Ενότητα 7
Do you think there are issues related to the body one should not discuss in public?
Think of body parts used as offensive words. Which one is worse, do you think, “cunt,” “dick,” or “asshole”? Why isn’t somebody as insulted when called, e.g., “a foot”?
Look up “Vagina Day Project” online, and read the relevant material. What do you think about initiatives like that? Would they work in your country?
Had it ever occurred to you that women and men might think differently because of their genital (or other) anatomy? Or is it just the way that society signifies those that creates difference?
Supplementary readings:
Judith Butler, all excerpts from Gender Trouble