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Frequently Asked Questions
FLTC105 - Sofia Koutsogianni
Arbitration vs. Mediation
Brand recognition vs. brand awareness
Customer loyalty vs. brand loyalty
Customer loyalty vs. customer inertia
What is brand equity?
Consumer behaviour
Life cycle of a product
Life cycle of a product - the Apple / Coca Cola cases
15 common interview questions
How to prepare for an interview
Market leaders, market followers, market nichers
Pricing strategies: pentration and skimming
Pricing strategies with examples (IKEA)
Interview tips and questions
Last minute preparation for interviews
Job interview: good example
Economies of scale
What is Company Social Responsibility?
The Key to Viral Marketing
What is viral marketing?
Traditional marketing vs. Digital marketing
Create your own business
Conducting a market research
Start-ups difficulties
Business plan
Angel investors vs. venture capitalists
What is search advertising?
Who are opinion leaders?
Social Media Marketing
Writing a report