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Frequently Asked Questions
FLTC105 - Sofia Koutsogianni
Arbitration vs. Mediation
Shareholder VS. stockholder
Types of Company Director
Director's duties
CEO vs. Managing Director
Role of Company Secretary
CEO / CFO / COO and their duties
What are C-level Executives? Titles and Responsibilities of C-Level Executives
CEO vs. President
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace
Unconscious Bias in the workplace
Affirmative action
Brand recognition vs. brand awareness
Customer loyalty vs. brand loyalty
Customer loyalty vs. customer inertia
What is brand equity?
Consumer behaviour
Life cycle of a product
Life cycle of a product - the Apple / Coca Cola cases
What is Company Social Responsibility?
Organising effective meetings
Meeting Simulation
Writing effective meeting minutes
Advanced Business English for Meetings
Effective meetings
Risk Management - Types of Risks
What is Risk Process?
The Black Swan Theory