Home Page
Frequently Asked Questions
FLTC105 - Sofia Koutsogianni
Double-time vs. Overtime: their difference
Types of Holidays
Types of leave in a business
Writing efficient and coherent paragraphs
Tips for writing a good CV
Arbitration vs. Mediation
Choose between BEC Vantage and BEC Higher.
Shareholder VS. stockholder
Types of Company Director
Director's duties
CEO vs. Managing Director
Role of Company Secretary
CEO / CFO / COO and their duties
What are C-level Executives? Titles and Responsibilities of C-Level Executives
CEO vs. President
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace
Unconscious Bias in the workplace
Affirmative action
Business reports: structure
Distribution channels
What is Company Social Responsibility?
Example of an informative presentation
Types of presentations
Prepare a presentation with a good structure
How to plan your presentation
40 phrases for presenting in English
TEDex talk -example
How to organise your presentation
Persuasive speech / presentation : how to organise it
Product presentation
The Key to Viral Marketing
What is viral marketing?
Traditional marketing vs. Digital marketing
Create your own business
Conducting a market research
Start-ups difficulties
Business plan
Angel investors vs. venture capitalists