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Frequently Asked Questions
FLTC105 - Sofia Koutsogianni
A tutorial video on preparing for BEC 2 Vantage Test
Write and Improve - Interactive example class
Who is Peter Drucker? What does the term "knowledge worker" refer to?
Interview with Peter Drucker
Top tips videos used for BEC exam preparation
Essential principles of management by Peter Drucker
What is affirmative action in the workplace?
In-basket test for hiring people
Peter Drucker: the coming of the new organisation
Introducing the "Knowledge worker"
Types of collar jobs
Knowledge worker vs. Task worker
Example of an Interview - Good Copy
A good example of a job interview
Common interview questions and how to answer them
The bad interview
Differences between management and administration
Sourcing vs. Recruting
Administration vs. Management
Company organisational structures explained - hierarchical, flat and matrix
Writing emails in English: formal, semi-formal and informal mails
20 phrases to be used in formal business emails
Common mistakes in formal emails
Types of collar-jobs
Company organisational structures explained: functional, divisional, network
What is the recruitment process all about? Does it actually have any stages?
What are headhunters?
How did streaming cause writers to strike?
Arbitration vs. Mediation
What is Wikinomics?
Line authority vs. staff authority
APPLE - Functional structure
Parts of a business letter
How to write a business letter
What is organisational structure?
Shareholder VS. stockholder
Types of Company Director
Director's duties
CEO vs. Managing Director
Role of Company Secretary
CEO / CFO / COO and their duties
What are C-level Executives? Titles and Responsibilities of C-Level Executives
CEO vs. President
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace
Unconscious Bias in the workplace
Affirmative action
Business reports: structure
Distribution channels
The Key to Viral Marketing
What is viral marketing?
Traditional marketing vs. Digital marketing
Risk Management - Types of Risks
What is Risk Process?
The Black Swan Theory
Create your own business
Conducting a market research
Start-ups difficulties
Business plan
Angel investors vs. venture capitalists