Course : Μετάφραση σε περιπτώσεις ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης [Translation in human crisis]
Course code : ENL537
1. Introduction to Crisis Translation
Asynchronous Session I
Asynchronous Session II
2. Crisis scenarios and management
3. Risk Communication – The 4 Rs
4. Crisis policies
5. Policy assessment
6. Ethics in Crisis Translation I
7. Ethics in Crisis Translation II
8. Online Crisis Management
9. Translating ethically & resourcefully
10. Mock Practical Translation
11. Machine Translation in Crisis
1. Introduction to Crisis Translation
Asynchronous Session II
Topic: Translation in Medical Crisis
COVID19: Two articles are available under the Asynchronous Sessions folder. One on crisis translation contexts and one on language challenges in this specific context of COVID19.
Make notes of the most important elements discussed in these two articles and consider problematic communication cases with regard to COVID19 from the beginning of the pandemic until now.