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Κωδικός : PHED263


PHED263  -  Ειρήνη Καμπερίδου



Διαθέσιμη βιβλιογραφία (pdf) για εργασίες και μάθημα στους σύνδεσμους/links: UoA Scholar:και ResearchGate:


  1. Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη; Παπαδοπούλου, Σοφία (2014). Κοινωνικό Κεφάλαιο, Φύλο και Αθλητισμός. Γυναίκα & Άθληση. Τόμος  ΙΧ , τεύχος 2013/2014, σελ. 7-14. Έκδοση της Πανελλήνιας Ένωσης για τον Αθλητισμό και τα Σπορ (ΠΕΠΓΑΣ).
  2. Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (2012). Κοινωνικό Φύλο, Κοινωνικό Κεφάλαιο, Πολυπολιτισμικότητα και Αθλητισμός. Εκδόσεις ΤΕΛΕΘΡΙΟ, Α.ΠΙΠΕΡΗΣ & ΣΙΑ ΕΕ (Κωδικός Βιβλίου στον Εύδοξο: 42625). 
  3. Καμπερίδου, Ειρήνη (2008/ 2009 ). «Φύλο και Αθλητισμός». Λήμμα, FYLOPAEDIA-Φύλο Παιδεία. Ηλεκτρονικό Εγκυκλοπαιδικό Λεξικό του Προγράμματος ΘΕ.ΦΥΛ.ΙΣ, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ).
  4. Πατσαντάρας, Νικόλαος (2014). Αθλητισμός και Κοινωνιολογική Σκέψη. Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Τελέθριον. [Βιβλίο στη βιβλιοθήκη του ΤΕΦΑΑ]


-Kamberidou, I., & Chroni, S. (2016). The Greek Experience: Outstanding Women in the Social Space of Sport. In Inspirational Women in Europe: making a difference in Physical Education, Sport and Dance (pp. 224–242). Rosa Diketmüller (editor). Juiz de Fora: NGIME/UFJF Continent Series. Brazil: Publication of the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW), ISBN 978-85-67380-55-1.

The Voices of Six Inspirational Greek Women in Sport: What inspired them to take that leap; the Obstacles they faced; how they moved forward and Tips for Success.  Many inspirational and outstanding women have made a difference in the lives ofgirls and women in sport, physical education (PE) and physical activity in Greece,despite their invisibility in the mainstream media, the life stories of which would needvolumes. They succeeded in making a difference while respecting and celebratingdiversity with regard to gender, ethnicity, culture, disability, age and sexualorientation. Beginning with a brief discussion on the underrepresentation of women’ssports and the female athlete in the Greek media, this chapter shares the contributionsof some inspiring and motivating Greek women in sport whose achievements havebeen excluded from the country’s mainstream media. It is through six in-depthinterviews and follow-up meetings that we learn how these pioneers influenced thelives of sporting girls and women by daring to disregard social barriers and spreadawareness. We conclude the chapter with tips from these successful, namelyinspirational women, who all agree that success requires ethos and taking that leap.

-Kamberidou, I. (2016). Interacting, sharing and bonding: ‘notes of personal experience’ by nineteenth-century women travellers. Gender, Place & Culture, 23(3), 381 - 397, Routledge.

-Kamberidou, I. (2017). Gender, Volunteerism and Military Hospitals: War Nurses, Educators and Philanthropists of the Nineteenth-Century. The 14th ERGOMAS Conference: Military and Society: New Models for New Challenges, Working Group “Gender and the Military”. Athens Greece: Biennial conference of the European Research Group on Military and Society (ERGOMAS), hosted by the Hellenic Army Academy in Athens, Greece (, June 26-30 2017

-Patsantaras, N., & Kamberidou, I. (2017). Virtual Bodies and Sport Activities: The case of the Avatars in Second Life Fitness Club. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association “Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities”. Session: Science, Technology, Innovation & Society II, PANTEION University of Social & Political Sciences, 01 Sept. 2017, Athens Greece. Publisher's Version

- Kamberidou, I. (2017). The Multiethnic Slavery Institution through the Eyes of Western Women and 'the real position of women in the religious system of Islam'. In Miriam Diez Bosch and Jordi Sanchez Torrents (eds). Media, Religion and Gender in Europe (pp. 53-79), Second Edition. Barcelona: Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture. Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Blanquerna- Ramon Llull University.

-Kamberidou, I. (2013). Women Entrepreneurs: we cannot have change unless we have men in the room. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2(6). [full pdf - women_entrepreneurs.pdf;   URL:

-Kamberidou, I. (2012). New Realms of Agency: Promoting Peace Education and Gender Equity through Sport. Sport Science and Physical Education, [Ed. Luminita Georgescu ],  Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK. Developed under the Auspices of UNESCO, Eolss publ.

-Kamberidou, I. (2012). Athletes United for Peace: Reconciliation through Sport. Proceedings of the international conference SPORT AS A MEDIATOR BETWEEN CULTURES, pp. 187–202. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), Hanns-Braun-Strase Friesenhaus II D-14053 Berlin. Editors Ronnie Lidor, Karl-Heinz Schneider & Katrin Koenen.

-Kamberidou, I. (2011). Athlete Activism and Peace Education: Bridging the Social Inequality Gap through Sports. NEBULA 8.1, a Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship, 168–180. Australia

-Kamberidou, I., Tsopani, D., Dallas, G., & Patsantaras, N. (2009). A Question of Identity and Equality in Sports: Men’s Participation in Men’s Rhythmic Gymnastics. The Routledge Falmer Reader in Gender and Education, 220–237. 

-Kamberidou, Irene & Patsadaras, Nikolaos (2007). A new concept in European sport governance: sport as social capital. Biology of Exercise, 3, 21-34.